Studi Kasus: Pangkalan UFO di Danau Poso?

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Danau Poso merupakan salahsatu danau di Sulawesi yang spesial. Luasnya mencapai 800 km2, dengan kedalaman tiga kali kedalaman Laut Jawa. Menurut masyarakat setempat, di danau ini juga hidup mahluk sejenis naga. Sedangkan menurut beberapa informasi lain, ada kemungkinan danau ini juga dikunjungi secara rutin oleh UFO.

Berikut ini beberapa cuplikan artikel:

Gordon Creighton

I am indebted to Mr. W. L. Tobing of Bandung, Indonesia, for this report of what looks like another underwater UFO "base". The account first appeared in the Indonesian-language journal Intisari, No. 78, of January 1970 (a well known popular science monthly published in Djakarta), the author being Mr. S. Kamah.

Is it possible that Lake Poso in North SULAWESI1 is a UFO base? The largest lake on the Island of North Sulawesi, it is about 800 square kilometers in area and is three times as deep as the Java Sea2. The pleasant town of Tentana lies beside the lake.

Not long ago, accompanied by Mr. J. Gintu, Chief of the District, Mr. S. Walenta, Member of the Poso Council, Mr. Togobu, Head of the Art and Culture Service, and Mr. Pobonde, Chairman of the Adat, Mr. Kamah made an investigation of the lake and its surroundings, for it is the belief of the local populace that something very mysterious is going on in the lake.

According to the account given to Mr. Kamah by the four above-named local officials, there has been some mysterious creature or phenomenon in the lake for the past five years. Until now they still have no idea as to whether this is some gigantic unknown beast or a ghost. What does seem certain is that, five years ago, a certain fisherman was fishing on the lake at midnight when he observed a vividly bright light in the centre of the Lake. At first the man thought it must be a petromax lamp used by some other fisherman. But then he observed that the light was moving from one bank of the lake to the other and back again, at times extremely rapidly. Then, at one moment, it came to a distance of only about 100 metres from him. This terrified him so much that he went off home at once.

When he first told the neighbours and villagers what he had seen, they all jeered and made fun of him. Until, about a week later, the light was also seen by other fishermen. Since then he light has been seen so often that it has come to be regarded as quite customary. Opinions among the populace vary greatly however as to what the explanation of the light could be.

The local District Chief, Mr. Gintu. said: "Until 1966 I did not believe this story that the people were telling about the light in the lake. I thought it was just their superstitious talk. But, one night, at 9.00 p.m., as I myself was going home by boat, the sailors pointed out to me this vivid light in the middle of the lake. So I saw it for myself, and I saw that it moved with extraordinary speed from one shore of the lake to the other. An hour later, it approached our boat and came to a distance of only 20 metres from us. I stood watching it very attentively. The water seemed to be bubbling. It seemed to be a body surrounded by light. Although I was able to observe it at leisure, I was never able to make out its precise shape.

On another occasion Mr. Gintu and his wife both saw it, quite close to them. Mr. Togobu also said that at first be had not believed the reports about the light, and thought it must be the flash of meteors falling into Lake Poso. But at last he saw the light for himself, and then he was forced to conclude that there must be some mysterious entity or creature in the lake.

Councillor Walenta said that he too had seen it. Mr. Pobonde said he had no idea what it could possibly be, but that in his opinion it was no ghost and no animal.Mr. Kamah ascertained that in the course of these five years the behaviour of the mystery light has changed. For example, whereas to begin with it was always seen in or on the lake itself, it has now begun to be seen flying around over the fields and hills around the lake and then plunging back into the lake. Moreover, there is now no longer only one light. Sometimes there are three of them.

This reference (original): FSR Case Histories (v.1 to v.18 complete) April 1971, p.7, ©1970


Salah satu milik bersama rakyat Poso adalah Danau Poso. Di tepi danau inilah festival budaya seringkali diadakan. Danau ini memberi sensasi unik bagi rombongan kecil kami dari Jakarta. Di tepi danau, kami menatap debur ombak menghantam pantai dengan keras. Kami datang di saat musim ombak. Ombak? Pantai? Ya, danau ini bak laut saja tampaknya. Tapi begitu angin tenang, ombak reda, dan saya memberanikan diri masuk danau –airnya tawar! Maka percayalah kami, ini memang danau.

Ternyata danau ini menyimpan legenda besar. Orang sekitarnya menyebut itu legenda “lampu danau”. Heh, rasanya culun memang nama ini. Setiap malam, selalu ada cahaya yang hilang timbul sepanjang malam, yang berjalan cepat di beberapa bagian danau. Cahaya itu kecil saja. Saya melihatnya, dan kalau tak diberitahu Jimi, pasti saya mengira itu lampu kapal nelayan. Jimi menerangkan mengapa itu tidak mungkin. Kebetulan memang saat saya menyaksikan itu, ombak sedang besar dan hujan membungkus danau. Gerak-geriknya juga, menurut Jimi, tak serupa dengan gerak-gerik boat. Lagipula kadang cahaya itu berpendar kuning, kadang berpendar biru.

Dalam bahasa awam orang sekitar, “lampu” itu dipercaya bagian tubuh seekor naga. Entah matanya yang menyala, atau mungkin kulit tubuhnya yang barangkali terlapis fosfor. Lho, apa hubungannya cahaya itu dengan naga? Apa ada penampakan? Saya banyak disaran untuk mengobrol dengan orang-orang tua yang tinggal di kampung-kampung sekitar danau. (Sayang saya tak punya waktu banyak di sana!) Penampakan terakhir, kata Jimi, pada 1986.

Waktu itu, penduduk salah satu kampung di tepi danau Poso melihat sesuatu yang berenang melintas danau di siang bolong. Mereka mengira itu kijang, karena kijang dikenal sebagai perenang yang tangguh. Dengan antusias mereka ramai-ramai ke perahu motor mereka, mengejar “kijang” itu. Sekitar 20 m. dari si makhluk (perahu paling depan malah hanya sekitar 10 m. dan awaknya sudah bersiap menombak makhluk itu), terlihatlah oleh mereka bahwa makhluk itu sama sekali bukanlah kijang!

Makhluk itu, kata sebagian orang, berkepala seperti kuda. Tubuhnya menjulur seperti ular raksasa, hilang timbul meliuk-liuk di permukaan danau. Para penduduk kampung itu pun bubar dengan panik, terbirit-birit kembali ke tepi. Untuk beberapa saat, sang makhluk itu berenang dengan gemilang di siang bolong itu.

Saya tentu saja terpana. Apalagi ketika Jimi bilang bahwa salah satu cara untuk memancing “lampu danau” agar menampakkan cahayanya adalah dengan menyalakan lampu motor dan menderamkan mesin motor kita ke arah danau. Saya teringat pada sesuatu yang saya baca sewaktu kecil: monster danau Lochness! Seingat saya, salah satu yang konon memancing keluar si Nessie (panggilan akrab sang monster) adalah memang lampu dan deram mesin motor.

Dari sejumlah karakter danau Poso yang saya dapati saat itu, memang banyak persamaannya dengan danau Lochness. Danau Poso terletak di pulau dengan kontur berbukit-bukit seperti lingkungan Lochness di Skotlandia sana. Luas danau Poso adalah 39 X 12 km. Volume airnya lebih besar daripada danau Toba, karena danau Poso tak punya pulau di tengahnya seperti Toba. Menurut Fadian, ada penelitian yang mencatat bahwa di danau Poso ada palung dengan kedalaman mencapai 1300 m.

Salah satu teori tentang monster Lochness adalah ia/mereka merupakan makhluk yang tinggal di laut dalam, dan sesekali masuk ke danau karena ada semacam terowongan di kedalaman danau itu yang menghubungkan Lochness dan laut. Saya tanya kemungkinan itu kepada Jimi. Ia bilang, mungkin saja. Ia ingat, kakaknya pernah membuat skripsi tentang temuan sejenis ikan purba di danau Poso. Penduduk setempat menyebutnya ikan Bongo, berbentuk seperti ikan gabus.

Kakak Jimi mendapati info tentang ikan Bongo (dan mendapati bahwa ini sejenis ikan purba) dari sumber yang jauh dari Poso: di perpustakaan IPB, dan dari sebuah dokumen penelitian yang dikirim dari Jepang. Menurut dokumen itu, ikan Bongo sama dengan ikan Putri (terjemahan dari nama Jepangnya) yang di Jepang sendiri telah punah. Nah, pernah ketika sebuah gunung di dekat laut meletus, ikan-ikan Bongo di danau Poso tampak bermatian karena panas. Jangan-jangan, kata Jimi, memang ada semacam terowongan di kedalaman danau Poso yang terhubung ke laut.

Wah! Ini sebetulnya bisa jadi bahan penelitian yang menarik. Saya ingat, legenda Lochness ternyata bukan eksklusif milik danau Lochness. Di seluruh penjuru dunia, di danau-danau dengan karakter serupa Lochness, penampakan serupa Nessie memang sering dilaporkan. Saya lupa, apakah dulu danau Poso disebut-sebut juga dalam soal ini. Teman saya serombongan dari Jakarta, Indrajati dari Yayasan ARTI, mengomel akan tiadanya di Indonesia minat meneliti danau sedahsyat Poso ini. Saya mendesah, dan sepakat.

UFO Deep in The Jungle

Location: indonesia
Date: 3 am deep in the jungle
Approach Direction: in front of us
Departure Direction: above us
Witness Direction: same position
Description: enormeous craft with tremendous lights blinding lights and hover above us and disappear at extremely high speed

Color/Shape: lights were so intense it seems it was day light

Height & Speed: 100 metres coming at us at 25 miles an hour and disappears at 10000 miles or more an hour

TV/Radio/Press: no it was deep in the jungle
Follow-up information from Brian Vike:

Dear Mr. Brian Vike,

It is a strange event that happened, during the encounter with the craft (UFO). When we saw it we were dumbfounded, it took us at least twenty minutes to realize what we saw, then we went on with our lives. Then me and my friends sometimes talk about it until suddenly it hit me, my God, we have seen an UFO, a real one. So I decided to write to you and will explain it to you.

It was deep in the jungle on top of a mountain next to a series of lakes in central Sulawesi in Indonesia. My friend and I, we went there to a mining site for business-one night. We went out and on the way back to the mine at around 2:30 am, alone on the asphalt road we saw lights coming at us, very strong white lights. We immediately thought it is an airplane, but at this time of the night and this place, and flying so low, it could not be an airplane. There was absolutely no sounds and the night was beautiful and clear. Also the trajectory of this craft was like nothing we have ever seen. So then we thought, oh, it's a helicopter. But no helicopter in the world has such lights and with no sound whatsoever, even in such a remote place and at this time. Also it flew like a plane but hovered like an helicopter with extremely intense lights, so we thought it must be a human craft because human need lights in the night, but this light was extreme.

It was like a series or rows of projectors in front of this craft, at about one hundred meters in front of us traveling at a speed of 25 miles an hour. We also were in the car and traveling with open windows. When we saw it, we reduced speed as it flew right toward us. It was like the craft was following the road, yet still coming toward us and then it turned slightly right above us. The light became more intense on every side, then it suddenly took off at an enormous rate of speed and disappeared, with no lights, it just vanished. Also there was no hills and it could not have vanished just like that. The size of theobject was maybe fifty meters and it was the size of a Boeing Jetliner.

The next day we asked if there are planes landing, no planes at all and also not every day of the week and surely only twice a day morning and afternoon but not at 3:00 am in the morning. If you ask me what this craft was doing there, there is no question that for sure it is around there often, and for sure it must have a resting place. But it was not at all hostile. It was as surprised as us to see us there in front of each other now. I just remembered our car had very bad light so our car lights were very dim, so it was not afraid of us. But for sure it has identified us before, we did it so there are some more information tell you later some more must recollect the facts. I don't know how to do a diagram on the com I am not good enough with computers.

Analisis: Dari banyak laporan sighting, danau-danau dengan air sangat dalam, seringkali menjadi tempat favorit kemunculan UFO. Beberapa bahkan tertangkap kamera ketika sedang dalam posisi setengah tenggelam di perairan danau, sehingga menyiratkan adanya sesuatu yang spesial berada di dasar danau tersebut.

Bagaimana dengan Danau Poso? (by Bayu for everyone)

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